Friday 19 December 2014

The Scrots of The Terra Damnata 3: More Scrot Tanks!

After a mammoth session casting up track links, it was time to try putting one of my new Scrot Tanks (grot tanks) together.  I haven't shown you the chassis yet, mostly because it really doesn't photograph well in either it's plasticard master or resin cast form, but here goes.

As you can see, I added a casting gate to the master and a couple of flow channels to assist with the casting process: essentially, the casting gate is where you tip the resin in, the bulk of it helps to add a little pressure which in theory forces the resin into all the little details of the mould, but with it being such a small mould I'm not certain it really helps much.  The one channel is there to let the resin into the mould, the other lets the air out of the mould, it also lets you know when the mould is full.

So, leap forward a few days and I have a fully assembled Scrot Tank, ready for a lick of paint or two.

As always, the photos aren't great, daylight here in the UK is at a minimum at the moment, and I wasn't really up for getting the light tent set up, so I apologise for the poor image quality of this post.  It's worth pointing out that I didn't apply the rivets to the master model of the chassis, I was pretty confident that my moulding and casting skills/equipment wouldn't replicate them well enough. So rather than having to remove botched ones and replace them, I just applied them to the cast instead.  There are quite a few little air bubbles in the treads, but they'll eventually be covered up by weathering and mud, so I'm not too worried about them right now. The same goes for the unsightly mould-line along the lower side of the chassis, some carefully applied mud spatter should cover that little issue.

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